Lynn Boyer
Patient Advocate
Lynn grew up and graduated from nursing school in Kansas City. (Go Chiefs!) She enjoyed fulfilling careers in both travel technology and in nursing. After retiring, she found pleasure in community volunteer work, including hosting a weekly recorded broadcast for SunSounds of Arizona, an on-line service that provides audio access to print information to people who cannot read or hold print material due to a disability. She also provided administrative support at the Chandler Center for the Arts. As a Patient Advocate, Lynn likes to work with clients to improve understanding and compliance with providers’ recommendations. She enjoys prepping clients for doctor visits so that appointment time is used more efficiently. And she helps clients understand how to measure and report treatment results.
Special Interests:
When time (and the CDC recommendations) allow, Lynn enjoys traveling to visit friends and family in the US, Canada and Europe. While at home, Lynn loves to knit and crochet, go to restaurants with friends and catch new movies.