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What does a Patient Advocate do?
As Patient Advocates, we offer options on improving your quality of life when it comes to the care you are receiving, keeping your dignity at the forefront. We advocate to keep you as independent as possible, always keeping safety as the first priority. We never make a decision for you – we offer options and allow you, and your family members, to make the decisions concerning your care. We do not write a care plan or prescribe medications. We collaborate with your current care team to provide optimal care for you.
When can I work with a Patient Advocate?
There are many reasons to align with a Patient Advocate. A few examples may be when your elderly parents are out of state and you need assistance with navigating their care, you’re unfamiliar with a diagnosis or treatment plan, you don’t understand the explanations a doctor gives you about your treatment plan, you don’t understand your medications and how they can impact your daily life, you become hospitalized and don’t understand all of the options that may be available to you, or you see multiple physicians and find it difficult managing your medical records and all your appointments.
How much does Patient Advocacy cost?
Patient advocacy is not free, it is a pay-for-fee service. Your Patient’s Advocate packages start at $500. If you’re still unsure if you’d like to move forward, we encourage you to schedule a free consultation for us to discuss your options.
Are your services covered by insurance?
Advocacy services are not covered by insurance, which means the advocate is not bound by the constraints of the insurance company. We work for you, the client, for as long, or as short, as you need us to ensure your needs are met.
How quickly can I start receiving support?
We work diligently to provide support as soon as the client needs it. We have multiple advocates that are able to take clients as soon as necessary to meet their needs.
What if I’m in a different state than the client?
At this time, our full services are provided to clients in the Phoenix valley. However, we do offer virtual visits to those clients who may not require attendance at physician appointments. Adult children who live out of state may obtain services for their parents that are in Phoenix, however.
What is the DocuBank card?
This is a wallet card provided free of charge to our clients. When presented in an emergent situation, the medical personnel have access to an updated medication list, allergy list, and Advance Directive. The emergency contact and patient advocate are also notified that the client is seeking emergent care.
How do we communicate with our assigned advocate?
All clients have access to an online patient portal, where important information is relayed to anyone the client gives permission to receive that information. Additionally, the client is given the phone number and email address of the advocate, as well as the founder to contact.
How are we billed/invoiced for services?
Packages are purchased at the time a contract is signed and then ongoing care is billed on a monthly basis.
Do you do medical bill reviews and negotiation?
Each of our advocates have specific areas of expertise which helps us provide exceptional service to our clients. We do not, however, have expertise in medical billing or negotiation and do not provide those services. We are happy to refer you to a trusted partner for services we do not provide.
Let’s Talk
We’re here for you! Get started with a complimentary 20-minute consultation with a Your Patient’s Advocate team member. Together we’ll identify how we can help and the best steps for you to take to feel supported in your healthcare journey.

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