Dawn Rodriquez
Patient Advocate
Dawn was born in Norman, OK. She is the granddaughter of two beautiful humans who live with end-stage Lewy body dementia and Alzheimer’s. She is an Army veteran who comes from a long line of veterans of all branches who have served our country. She spent her nursing career in Medical/Surgical, Progressive Care Cardiovascular, and Home Health services. For the last two years she has dedicated absorbing as much as she can about AHCCCS and Medicare Advantage products and services. Her ultimate goal is to ensure the services available are being utilized in the capacity that best benefits the recipient.
Special Interests:
Dawn is the mother of four wonderful children, and she fills her time learning to navigate gender-confirming treatments.
“I want to give a voice to the voiceless; The humans in this world who feel like nobody cares. I care. I am still here, fighting the good fight, one person at a time.”